Embark on an extraordinary journey at the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. Discover the pathways to expanding your club’s membership and magnifying its influence on your community. Delve into innovative fundraising concepts. Learn how to transform service projects in ways you never thought possible. Receive hands-on guidance in becoming a skilled Kiwanis leader.
And the best part? The chance to connect with fellow Kiwanians and swap fresh ideas. You’ll leave inspired to make a difference.
So, grab your gear and join us for the most exciting and educational Kiwanis event of the year. You don’t want to miss out on this adventure of a lifetime! See you in Pittsburgh!
And the best part? The chance to connect with fellow Kiwanians and swap fresh ideas. You’ll leave inspired to make a difference.
So, grab your gear and join us for the most exciting and educational Kiwanis event of the year. You don’t want to miss out on this adventure of a lifetime! See you in Pittsburgh!