We invite YOUR CLUB to participate in the annual GA District Marketing & Public Relations Competition

Submit your best piece for ONE or MORE categories to be showcased and judged during the GA District Convention in August. This is a great opportunity for your club to showcase your work and to get ideas on how you can improve your club’s Marketing, Public Relations, and Kiwanis branding.
There will be three winners per category (1st, 2nd, and 3rd).
There will also be ONE “Best In Show” winner which means their presentation and entry piece stands out the best among all platforms and leaves a memorable impression of feeling proud to be a Kiwanian. Every guest attending the convention will receive one yellow ticket at check-in which they can use as their voting ticket. These votes must be in by NOON on Saturday of the Convention and all winners will be awarded at the luncheon that day.
- NEWSLETTER: Newsletter that is issued periodically to members and others regularly (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
- SCRAPBOOK (TRADITIONAL AND DIGITAL): Scrapbook that shows your club activity during the current Kiwanis calendar year
- EVENT FLYER: Flyer used to advertise an event or service project hosted by your club
- CLUB PROMOTION: Promotional piece used to promote your club and/or recruit members (brochures, rack cards, postcards, posters, etc.)
- PRESS RELEASE: Article printed in a local newspaper or magazine that either a reporter or a Kiwanis member wrote/submitted. This does NOT include any articles from the Georgia Kiwanian Newspaper
- SOCIAL MEDIA: A social media platform the club actively uses (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- WEBSITE: Club website that was created specifically for your club
- MARKETING CAMPAIGN: Collection of two or more of the above categories for a single event or project
- KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS: The use of the Kiwanis logo, colors, font, etc. You can reference the Kiwanis Brand Book located on the Kiwanis International website.
- RELEVANCE: How its supportive of its purpose, appeals to all demographics, how the design follows suite with subject’s theme, etc.
- ATTRACTIVENESS: How it catches and keeps your attention, how well you utilize photos and graphics, if there is structure and balance, etc.
- CLARITY: How readable the content is, the contrast between text, use of the appropriate ‘voice’, how well the message gets across, etc.
- PRESENTATION: The overall craftsmanship, accessibility, ease of use, etc.
There will be three winners per category (1st, 2nd, and 3rd).
There will also be ONE “Best In Show” winner which means their presentation and entry piece stands out the best among all platforms and leaves a memorable impression of feeling proud to be a Kiwanian. Every guest attending the convention will receive one yellow ticket at check-in which they can use as their voting ticket. These votes must be in by NOON on Saturday of the Convention and all winners will be awarded at the luncheon that day.
2022 Competition Deadline:
August 12th by 5:00 PM
Turn in entries at GA District Convention or send in early to Competition Chair (contact info in flyers below)